Choose from 12 items, priced from $10 - 70, described in detail below:
White beaded top, floral pink and green bottom, strapless - size 8 - $70
Strap pink, green, blue and white patchwork sundress - size 4 - $35
Strap pink/yellow/green floral sundress -size 6 , - $30
Blue seersucker, sleeveless, lined, with white eyelet top.
Size 10.
Strapless dress with thin blue and white stripes and tiny yellow flowers - $35 - size 10
Lime green dress with embroidered V neck and pockets, lined - $40- size 8
Spandex pink and green sleeveless with pockets.
Great for beach! -$15
Jersey lacey floral tank top, medium.
Pink and green crawfish halter top, small-$20
Yellow and orange button up collared halter top-$15
Blue and pink floral wrap around reversible skirt, size 6 - $20
Turquiose plaid mini skirt - size 8 -$35